Air Conditioning System

If you do not use the air conditioner for a long period, such as during winter, it may not give the best performance when you start using it again. To help maintain optimum performance and durability of your air conditioner, it needs to be run periodically.

Operate the air conditioner at least once a month for one minute with the engine idling. This circulates the refrigerant and oil and helps protect the internal components.

See also:

Improving Fuel Economy
The following instructions will help you improve fuel economy. Avoid excessive idling If you are to wait for more than a minute while you are parked, stop the engine and start it again later. Whe ...

If the Engine Overheats
The engine could overheat temporarily under severe driving conditions. If the High Engine Coolant Temperature Warning Light in the instrument cluster glows red during driving: 1) Turn off the air ...

Steering Wheel
Steering Wheel Check the play of the steering wheel by gently turning it from left to right and measuring the distance that it moves before you feel slight resistance. The play should be betw ...

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