Vehicle Identification Number
Vehicle Identification Number
The Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) may be found in the location shown in the above illustrations. This number is used to register the vehicle. It is also used to assist your dealer when ordering parts or referring to special service information.
Engine Serial Number
The engine serial number is stamped on the cylinder block as shown in the above illustration.
Tilt Steering Lock Lever (if equipped)
The lock lever is located under the steering
column. To adjust the steering wheel
1) Pull up the lock lever to unlock the
steering column.
2) Adjust the steering wheel to the desired
h ...
Making a SportBack
What automakers do to create Sport models ranges from adding fancy body
pieces all the way to giving it a new engine, suspension, functional ground
effects and fancy gearbox. The SX4 SportBack lan ...
Exterior & Styling
One good thing I can say about the Grand Vitara is that it's relatively
distinctive looking. It has some similarities to earlier-generation Saturn Vues,
and whether you like it or not is for you t ...